Posts in Июнь

Marc as guest speaker at the Ukrainian WISE convention

28 Июнь 2018   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

The stage was taken by the speaker from Belgium, Marc de Turck.
(An expert with 27 years of experience in the field of establishing business processes. Founder of a few companies, among which there are Ideas Free Boss, “Leadership and Innovation Center” and others.
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Kirov trilogy ends in apotheosis

18 Июнь 2018   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

June 14 to 17th.  The Delovoy Business Club in Kirov, Russia  invited Marc J. de Turck to deliver 3 seminars on those days.

First seminar was about how to predict behavior via emotions. More than 40 managers followed the seminar on predicting human behavior so as to be able to recruit, evaluate and foresee the behavior of others.  Success guaranteed.
Local press of Kirov made a reportage. read more