Posts in Февраль

Skopje and Sofia, brothers in education.

21 Февраль 2016   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   
Synergy Business Center, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

The fitness club, owned by a Bulgarian family, invited Marc de Turck as guest speaker for its team of talented young sport professionals.

They got training in conviction, communication, emotions and sales techniques.

Another Bulgaro-Macedonian brotherhood company which is going to expand.

More info concerning the training on

Kiev saga continues.

14 Февраль 2016   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

Diamant Center Kiev, Ukraina.  February 13th 2016.

40 managers attended the FreeBoss seminar organised by Olerom and delivered by Marc de Turck.

National Business TV1 interviewed Olerom and Marc concerning Ukraine’s future.

Marc reconfirmed that in the midst of a political crisis, aesthetics can make a positive influence.

That is why after the seminar, Olerom and Diamond Center Kiev, organised a special party with Ukrainian singer and a fashion show of Ukarinian creations.

More info: and

One does not have to be a genius to find a blue ocean, simple tools and hard work will do.

8 Февраль 2016   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

 Sofia, Bulgaria, February 8th 2016.  Hotel Best Western Expo.

More than 80 marketing people from different companies in Bulgaria attended the lecture on Blue Ocean Strategy, delivered by Marc de Turck and Nevena Topalova.

The lecture was held as an introduction to the full day seminar on the same topic.

Marc started with a simple way to position oneself based on common sense and on surveying people.

He then went over to looking at a new value to the customers instead of looking at the competition.

To finally end with the future trends according to Faith Popcorn.

All simple tools to work in the direction of finding a new blue ocean.

One does not have to be a genius to find a blue ocean.
Simple tools and hard work will do.

The lecture is followed by a full day seminar on the same topic where we go into the details.

More info on this, click here.